Yan Wang
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. Dec 2022, 22(6): 060201. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4055929
Yan Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Associate Editors
Gaurav Ameta, Siemens Corporate Technology, USA
Stephen Baek, University of Virginia, USA
Linkan Bian, Mississippi State University
Matthew I. Campbell, Oregon State University, USA
Chih-Hsing Chu, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Ehsan Esfahani, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Balan Gurumoorthy, Indian Institute of Science, India
Ajay Joneja, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Concordia University, Canada
Ying Liu, Cardiff University, UK
Yan Lu, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
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Duhwan Mun, Korea University, South Korea
Yayue Pan, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
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P.V.M. Rao, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Kazuhiro Saitou, University of Michigan, USA
Krishnan Suresh, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Charlie C. L. Wang, University of Manchester, UK
Kristina Wärmefjord, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Nabil Anwer, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Sarclay, France
William Bernstein, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Monica Bordegoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Yong Chen, University of Southern California, USA
Jonathan Roy Corney, University of Edinburgh, UK
Francesco Ferrise, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Bin He, Shanghai University, China
Ashok V. Kumar, University of Florida, USA
Guang Lin, Purdue University, USA
Yusheng Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Yongsheng Ma, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
John G. Michopoulos, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Saigopal Nelaturi, Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Christiaan J. J. Paredis, Clemson University, USA
Rahul Rai, Clemson University, USA
Caterina Rizzi, University of Bergamo, Italy
Yu Song, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Atul Thakur, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India
Jun Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Digital Media Board
Vinayak Raman Krishnamurthy, Texas A&M University, USA
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Advisory Board
Jami J. Shah (Founding Editor-in-Chief), Ohio State University, USA
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Satyandra K. Gupta (Former Editor-in-Chief), University of Southern California, USA
Janet Allen, University of Oklahoma, USA
Sanjay Govind Dhande, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Imre Horváth, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ram D. Sriram, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Jianrong Tan, Zhejiang University, China
Guest Editors
Marina Carulli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Vincenzo Ferrero, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Christopher McComb, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marc Mignolet, Arizona State University, USA
Christian Soize, Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Paul Witherell, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Seung-Kyum Choi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Amir H. Gandomi, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Nicholas Meisel, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Timothy W. Simpson, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Binil Starly, Arizona State University, USA
Assistant to the Editor
Amy Suski