Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering

John G. 
Michopoulos, Ph.D.
Dr. John Michopoulos, research scientist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), is the 2014 recipient of the Wolfram Innovator Award presented Oct. 23, 2014, at the Wolfram Conference Banquet held in Champaign, Ill.

Areas of Interest

Naval Research Laboratory, USA
As a Research Scientist/Engineer and head of Computational Multiphysics Systems Lab (CMSL) of the Center of Computational Materials Sciences at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Dr. Michopoulos oversees multi-physics modeling and simulation efforts and computational sciences research and development, operations and initiatives at CMSL. Some of his current major initiatives include research and development of linking performance to material through data and specification driven methodologies, model order reduction for naval applications, electromagnetic launcher dissipative damage modeling and simulation, mechatronic/robotic data-driven characterization of continua, and multiphysics design optimization. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals and is member of the program committee of several international conferences and has chaired several of them. He has served in the executive committee of the Computers and Information in engineering division of the ASME among others. His technical work and leadership have been recognized by several national and international honors, including the 2015 Excellence in Research award by ASME’s CIE division, the 2015 Innovator Award by Wolfram Inc., and the 2013 “P.S. Theocaris” award for excellence by the National Academy of Athens. He has authored and co-authored more than 260 publications and patents. Dr. Michopoulos holds a M.Sc. In Civil Engineering and a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics from the National Technical University of Athens, and has pursued post-doctoral studies at Lehigh University on computational multi-field modeling of continua and Fracture Mechanics.

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